While tracing the origin of birthday cakes are many interesting things ahead. 'Cake' The word is said to have coined as early as the 13th century and is said to derive from "kaka'-an Old Norse word. Some historians think that the custom of the birthday cake was observed in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks began baking cakes with honey. The ancient Romans celebrated three different types of birthdays, and different types of cakes. That mainly called bread. Some in England used to call the birthday cakes, and pastries. Another tradition of cakes birthday dates back to medieval Germany. There is sweetened bread dough was made in the shape of baby Jesus in swaddling clothes. In England, birthday cakes are baked with symbolic objects inside. At the time medieval objects such as coins and thimbles were mixed into the dough.
It was believed that the person who received the coin would be wealthy, while unfortunately the search thimble would never marry. While today, small figures, fake coins and small candies are more in practice. Today, even cup cakes are on the top list. Why is round in shape in the begging was a very. Scholars associate religious beliefs and technical compulsions for the same. Greeks offered round shape cake to the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis, as it meant the moon. They started the tradition of placing candles on the cake cakes bright as the moon.
Birthday Cakes
Birthdays are always special. It shows the importance of our existence on this planet. Human beings are God's beautiful creation. So materialize birthday of their loved ones through the celebration of the mischief. Birthday without birthday cake is like honey without sweetness. Cakes are the only baked, decorated, and intentionally added flavors more attractive when it is meant for birthdays. Icing with sweeteners, cherries, chestnuts, berries, cinnamon, apricot, pitas, nuts, chocolate and cream spread all portray a lip smacking and watch your mouth water. Birthday cakes are always the subject of special attention love and care.